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Jesus Christ's Global Prayer Warrior Ministry
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The Official Site of God's Global Blanket
GOD'S Global
by Evangelist R. J. Beverly
To God be this global glory and honor, HELP spread this global cause to all others, repent Jesus Christ is near!
It's the Apple Of All Ebooks!
Pray that we are doing the will of God praying against the move of darkness over all nations. For the salvation of souls is a supernatural work only made possible by the Holy Spirit's Power at work in the world. Gathering together is our goal, as God's global family in global unity to pray for our world as one on "one accord" a global church as the Lord has taught us, according to God's Word in Acts 2:1-2. This limited edition downloadable ebook helps you to get the Word of God, God's desire, his healing, his blessing, his favor, his power, his wisdom and it will uplift and encourage you like never before. Prayer really does work it enhances and improves your quality of life, get healthier and stronger... faster!
Welcome brothers and sisters from around the world in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to our official website for How To Get God's Attention Right Now. Thank you all for joining us for this global solution to this global chaos that we are witnessing stir up the world. Thank you Father in Heaven for this mission we desire to complete for our Messiah. Thank you God for allowing us to make global history for our Master Christ Jesus your word has taught us, "whatever we do, do it (whole) heartily for the Lord", according to Colossians 3:23. Thank you Lord for giving us the desire today to come together for our God in global prayer.
The battle we speak of in this global chaos is attacking us for our minds and souls, the global war that has begun is about the misuse of positions of power allotted by God on earth. It is very important to Father that we pray for our nations and for the people who run our governments, for his glory and honor. Today as a global church, we make global history doing something we never thought of, we speak life into our lives right now as God has taught us in Proverbs 18:21. Thank you God for this global love that brings about change, "hear a just cause O Lord attend to my cry, give ear to my prayer which does not rise from deceitful lips. Let my vindication come from you, may your eyes see what is right" in Jesus Christ's Name, according to Psalm 17:1-2.
Thank you God for sending those who desire what we desire, to help Jesus' global cause and thank you for a whole new way of thinking in Christ. Thank you Father for also changing us from our wicked ways to use us for your glory. Thank you Master for allowing the true spiritual believers in Christ to come together for such a time as this, to worship with us for your honor. Thank you our Uncreated Creator for allowing us to "equip your people for works of service so that the body of Christ may be built up", in Jesus Christ's Name according to Ephesians 4:12.
Thank you God for preparing us for the Messiah's Return. "He's on deck" is a baseball term used to describe who is up to bat next in the game's line up, Jesus Christ is up next the Bible tells us and ready for his return to earth. Get ready, get ready, get ready! If you haven't told someone about our Lord and Savior yet, you still have time. Thank you God for giving everyone who visits your website the desire to worship and praise you from now on, on the blood of the Lamb by the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus Christ's Mighty Name, according to John 14:13-14.
We are calling on all prayer warriors for Christ to stand in the gap with us who pray for the lost and afraid to relentlessly join us in this global prayer. Today we discover who we are and use our voices to make this global work possible, with the Lord on our side.
What is a prayer warrior?
An intercessor who stands in the gap for someone else or for an issue, unafraid to pray as God has taught us in Ezekiel 22:30. A true prayer warrior always prays for everyone or any situation he or she loves to do it.
This special person has a special gift from God, a direct connection to Father in Heaven (spiritually). Jesus said we are to "let our light shine before men (and women) that they may see (our) good works and glorify our Father in heaven" in Jesus Christ's Mighty Name according to Matthew 5:16. This is God's Holy Spirit shining through you to do something extraordinary on his behalf. This is our purpose in life praying, bringing the request to God for his help, as He has taught us he will do in Exodus 14:14.
God in Heaven is calling on all his believers from their hiding places to the forefront in every nation of every language to come together in this prayer against evil and injustice.
A global spiritual war is taking place and all Jesus Christ followers are praying daily with us about this global issue. They are viewing the Lord's website and joining us daily to help us help Jesus, praying for the mistreated and the hopeless will only take a few minutes out of your busy day. Praying for our global cause is the least we can do for God, after all the things He's done for us on the cross. This is the most important work God could ever give us to do during these end of times, helping him to increase the Kingdom of Heaven together, as He has taught us in Proverbs 11:30 what is wise. We are smack dead in the middle of a global war whether you want to believe it or not, glory to God. Wake up!!!
You were created to be God's Light (His Kingdom Leaders) in the darkness where you live to represent Him, you were planted here so our Father in Heaven could use you one day for his glory, according to Genesis 1:26. You are God's representative from Heaven in your city, town or village. You are an overcomer, a conqueror, a survivor, a soldier and a servant for God. You are a prayer warrior, a true spiritual believer, a real worshipper, a good person, an encourager, an up-lifter, a mother or father figure, a friend and or a good neighbor for God. A coach, a counselor, a teacher, a parent and or even a minister for God. You are a light for all of mankind to see, join us in this global church God has created (spiritually) in Jesus Christ's Name according to Isaiah 42:6. It is our understanding, when God brought us into this earth and didn't plant us all with a solid foundation, you wouldn't have known this information. God did it on purpose so he could get some glory and honor from your life, he has big plans for us read Jeremiah 1:5, glory to God.
God's Word says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge", . . . . . according to Hosea 4:6. Your spirit God put in you is that light, it's your personality, your integrity, character, wisdom, heart, abilities, according to 1st John 4:4. You are to use that attractive light in you to do important work for Heaven, helping to save souls by telling them about God Jesus Christ for the advancement of the Kingdom of Heaven. Your aura is attractive to human beings so be the light you were created to be, as God has taught us in Matthew 5:14. That scripture says, "You are the light of the world, a city that is set on an hill can not be hid", praise God.
"And Jesus came and spoke unto them saying all power is given unto Me in heaven
and in earth. Go you therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things what
so ever I have commanded you and lo, I am with you always even unto the end of the
world Amen", according to Matthew 28:18-20. Everyone who is a follower of Jesus Christ
is telling the good news of his return. Via internet is the fastest way to tell the
world about his plan. The Lord is unleashing the hidden prayer warriors around the
world to become the Last Global Church in Christ, help us help Jesus.
We are allowing God to use us to gather in global unity, as He has taught us He
would do in Isaiah 56:8. It's time to focus on God and his agenda,
pray with us won't you please.
We owe it to our God for what He has done for us on the Cross.
Christ Jesus took our sins to his cross and died in our place, so that we could live as him, according to 1st Peter 2:24, praise God.
If you truly love and believe in God Jesus Christ as John 20:29 has taught us to do, then receive Him this day and you will be saved, as God has taught us in Romans 10:9. Just say this out loud, "Lord Jesus Christ I repent of my sins please come into my heart so I can make you my Lord and Savior". If you said that last sentence aloud so God could hear you, we believe you got born again. Get into a good Bible based church that teaches Jesus Christ. The body of Christ is in position with great power and influence doing extraordinary things in the world.
This is all about being a part of the great outpouring of God's Spirit and reaching his harvest of souls, come and experience the Lord's supernatural power in our lives. Right now we are in position ordained and appointed by Father governing all He has called us to. When we invest in eternity today we are like the man who built his house on the rock, rather than building on the sand, according to Matthew 7:24-27. Think beyond what you can see, think of our future, think of what matters the most to God, we love Jesus Christ and desire to help Him.
Prayer Warriors Unite!!!.
We Have To Do Something!
Pastor R. J. Beverly
The Saginaw House Of Prayer, N. S. B. M. I.
Check us out on our church facebook page.
Thank You Jesus for your global church of prayer warriors.
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