Giving honor to God my Father our Uncreated Creator and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Who are the Head of my life in Heaven, thank You for this opportunity Lord. Thank You for opening "The Saginaw House Of Prayer, N. S. B. M. I". Thank you to my wife Lanie and my family for all your support, Thank you to my mother Dr. Carroll A. Beverly PhD for always being my #1 fan, Thanks to my Father for being a big inspiration, my children, grandbabies and family, I love you all. When God called me to write for Him I knew "nothing" of his plans but I also knew whatever I did it had to be "great, global and effective". I wrote because I love my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to help him with his global goal, so what could be better than being with the Lord and Savior? Reaching more people for God is the over all goal, "for as many as are led by the Spirit of God these are the Sons of God", as Father has taught us in Romans 8:14. I was dead to God but alive to the world for the 1st half of my life, however having studied, trusting and believing in the Word of God I have since changed my mind as God has taught us to do in Romans 12:1-3.
After being baptized and born again in June of '06 I became a new man of God but still a recovering sinner repenting daily. I am not perfect and will never be yet I am trying my best to follow Jesus' Example to the best of my ability with the latest technology. Change is a marathon not a sprint, so I now am dead to the world and alive to God and his agenda, his will not mine in Jesus Christ's Mighty Name according to Colossians 3:1-2. What I thought of as I studied for the last 23 years was, what in the world could "little ole me" possibly do for the Big God that I serve? After all He doesn't need anyone to accomplish whatever he needs if he chooses, he is God all by himself and no one can compare, glory to God.
Yet God my Father in Heaven did create me in his image after his likeness, as he has taught us he has done in his word according to Genesis 1:26. So I thought maybe it was opening a local church, then I said to myself naw God has plenty of those. God would probably need something that doesn't put a limit on him, something different, something mind blowing but what could that be that would touch the whole world for Jesus Christ to get global glory from? What ever He came up with couldn't be just for my community, that's wonderful but too small. It had to be massive because "God is massive and everywhere", it had to be a one of a kind something extraordinary, close to impossible, praise God.
I just needed a little help from the Holy Spirit maybe one thought to show me my way. So after I prayed about it my thought or question was, "What is the one thing all of mankind knew how to do?" Then the scripture came to me and I looked it up in the original King James Holy Bible, the book of Psalms 55:17 which says, "evening and morning and at noon will I pray and cry aloud and he will hear my voice". Praying to God I hope the majority of people knew already because it is our power but the problem that made me focus was "getting mankind to pray the same prayer" with me and only God in Heaven could do that. I had to ask the Holy Spirit to figure out what is our global problem and what is the global solution in order for people to get involved, glory to God.
At first this seemed totally impossible creating a spiritual global church but God said "ALL things are possible through Christ Who strengthens me (us)", according to Philippians 4:13. I have come a mighty long way from being raised in a drug house in the hood but God had to allow some type of yokes and bondages so he could show his power and set me free. In order for me to be a conqueror, Father had to put me in some conflicts. In order for me to become a survivor He had to plant me in some mess. His scripture says, " with men it is impossible but not with God, for with God all things are possible", according to Mark 10:27. In order for me to be an overcomer the Messiah had to make some critics and haters frown down on me, praise God.
In order to make me tough enough to be a soldier for Christ, He had to train me in some hellish situations. In order to become a servant of God the Lord put me in customer service down through the years. In order for my Master to teach me love, he gave me the desire to volunteer in my community 25 years. In order to get God's grace and mercy, I had to go through some pain and problems. In order for God to make me a victor, Father had to take me through some battles in life. In order for the Lord to make me stronger, he had to put me in some weak and hopeless moments. In order for God to get praise and worship out of me, he had to let me reach rock bottom where I had no choice but to rely on him. In order for me to make it to Heaven the Lord had to walk me through some fires to qualify. "let everything that have breath praise the Lord, praise you the Lord", according to Psalm 150:1-6, glory to God.
God planted in me an idea, years ago and I was afraid to bring it out because of the world's critics, but how could I master life if i was never tested? How could i know if I was a writer unless I displayed a book? After years of studying God I said to myself, why not? The problem in the world is they misidentify Who Jesus Christ is, he is not religion or church he is the Son of God. I'm confident now, the critics only have built my character therefore I know in my heart I'm doing the right thing by trying to bring "ALL" people together, because to God all lives matter. We are taught God's Word "all things are possible with God", according to Matthew 19:26. Creating a global project I could not finish on my own but now with my newly found global family of prayer warriors, together we can complete this global mission, a global church, praise God.
Reflecting back over my life I have noticed how much I have influenced so many children and adults around me and that's only because of the power of God in me, according to Matthew 5:14. So as I continue to walk out this life as a light to the world I hope and pray someone, anyone would see the reflection of God bounce off of us and our assignment. A prayer warrior is one of the lights in the world that God talks about in scripture and we can not be hid any longer. You and I can change the world as we read and agree in prayer today. You and I can control the spiritual realm as well because we are children of God with the power to do so. We just need to do as the Lord has instructed and come together in Jesus Christ's Name, as He has taught us in Matthew 18:19-20, glory to God.
You, I and the millions of prayer warriors joining us around the world can erase and destroy all that hell has built on earth if we just open our mouths together "not divided", in the Name of Christ Jesus according to Colossians 3:17. Doing the right thing is the will of God and after praying you too would have done your part for the Kingdom of God, according to 1st Thessalonians 5:17. One day I remember being an alcoholic lost and ashamed of my life, then with a blink of an eye God cleaned me up and I now work for the Uncreated Creator of the Universe as a Minister unto the Messiah. I come to realize as a child, God planted seeds in me early that has blossomed now in my manhood. I thank God for where I'm from, who my folks are and for how I was raised in the hood there's no place like home and without my parents there is no me, praise God.
I didn't have enough respect for God to study as a youngster because I couldn't see him i was "too immature", but as an adult I've put in over 24,000 hours and counting. I love studying the word of God and I never get tired of learning something new from the Lord. My name is Pastor R. J. Beverly from Saginaw, Michigan USA, an author who is sharing God's love gift with the world for free. Let's wake up the world with this fire and increase Heaven together shall we? Now go download those "4 unreal secrets" in just 3 chapters that are waiting for you on the SHOP page, so we can shake up the world. Together we are stronger than any situation or circumstance, because we love Jesus Christ and desire to help Him. Please stop by and visit us sometimes @ the S. H. O. P. the Saginaw House Of Prayer FB Church page and hear a Word from God. Wednesday night 6-7pm and Sunday service 10-12pm. Peace be unto you always!
God bless my global family!